Thursday, 7 July 2011

Mehandipur Balaji Temple Rajasthan

The Mehandipur Balaji Temple is located in Rajasthan  in India   .  Rajasthan is very different than the other state of India.    It is known for its costume, sand, forts and foods . In india Balaji known as Lord Hanumanji , BajrangBali , Mahabir but all names refer  only to one God is Hanuman. This mandir dedicated to Hindu . This temple  is very famous for its Power , which have completly remove all the
deases and attacks of bad spirits of innocent person , who became the victim of that bad spirits unknowingly .  Worshipers have strong trust upon it. They said it is the only door from where no one
can return  in sad mood , Balaji temple is able to fulfill all our wishes. Moreover, we saw a beautiful
temple of Chilkur Balaji.

According to legends , he said there was a big forest , where lived wild animals once upon the time.   Nobody could imagine that one day there would made a temple. There is a real story behind this temple . This temple is appeared 1000yrs ago. They said , once upon the time in Mehandipur, there lived a Mahantji who saw a dream in 
night . In his dream came Sri Balaji , who indicated three divine deities and magnificent temple. Mahant  heared  this divine voice and next day he told everything about this dream. But he want to see God with his own eyes hence he sarted meditation at least one year then there appeared  God in the forest in three divine forms.
From then Mahant ji starts pooja. Hanumanji also known as Pawanputra( son of pawan).

This temple is far 40 -50km  from Lawalhi , we got dhabas of food in the way and we saw beauty of this state when we arrieved  there.
This temple is spread widely,  statue of that temple is unique I never saw this form of Hanuman. It is very beautiful . There came numbers of worshipers every year.
There not come only victims of bad spirits but there also come every type of person who have deep
belive upon Balaji . It is the place for religious ritualistic perfomance, charity, feeding the poor , give the home to homeless persons  and  incapacitated people, water supply for all keep fodder for
cows . That is only place which gives shelters to all even stray animals. There have all good arrangements  for tourists .

Because of  large number of visitors there, we faced que for entering inside the temple. There put 
prasad at 3 places  Lord Balaji , Bharo Bhagwand and Sri Ram.  When we came out we faced
circle 7 times all the parsad left through but we can't look back. There we took ladoo for pooja 
mainly and other prasad which you like . 

There used physical therapies like keeping heavy stores of body on arms , legs , chest for to their pain . There are others who inhale the smoke that fumes out of the sweet patasa's kept  on smoldering cow pats.

In festival time there comes huge numbers of devotees( in Holy and Dashra). 

Salasar is the place for devotees whorshipers through the year . There is also find Hanuman sewa
samiti  manegment, which provides best duty for visitors by them.There we saw many dharmsala and
resturant to stay . The temple of   Hanuman is situated in the middle of the salsar town. India is 
mainly known for its such belive upon God and Culture or their   Tradition.

How to reach  - Rajasthan is nice place to visit not only for Indians but there finds foreinger also, who loves this place. In India there we don't worry about tranport or dates, because there we can get numbers of idea to go there as by car, by bus , by train etc. But one should go there to see
strange thing which happened there . It is nice journey for us.


  1. Nice post. Dedicated to Lord Balaji, an incarnation of Hanuman, the Mehandipur Balaji Temple in Dausa is one of the most popular pilgrim sites in Rajasthan, apart from Salasarji Temple in Sikar and Khatu Shyam Ji Temple in Khatu Village

  2. Very nice information about Mehandipur Balaji from Delhi by bus, bus is one of the best mode of transport to visit.

  3. Thanks for sharing information. Here you can buy Mehandipur Balaji Statue here.
