Thursday, 7 July 2011

My tour experience of Kanyakumari

Kanyakumari is a nice place to visit .  It is small town of south India. This name is inspired by ' Kumari Amman'or Kanyakumari temple , which is situated in the town , it is confluence of the three water bodies  as,
1. The Arbian sea  2. The Bay of Bengal  3. Indian ocean.
This place also famous for herb , it also known as ' Medical herb' . Because there have a Ashram on
the middle of Maruthuvazh mala hill , where found herbs . The architectual beauty of Temple is decorated by an ancient rulars . 

In 1949  Kanyakumari  became part of the reconstituded Travancore - cohin state. Kanyakumari is 
located in Tamil Nadu, where local people used  not only  'Tamil Languge ' but there  also find many different languages. 

This place is really touch my heart . There we find everything , which allure us to complete our journey , there is nothing to leave without seeing. However I express view but I would like to share
my experience with you .  More after seeinng that place we can' t said , that it is  only holy place , 
but  there also find adventure, calm and beautiful park , different type of valley, unique structures of statues, temples, river , beach and different type of foods etc.

The one thing which attracted  me more is the sun- rising and the sun setting at the same time, this picture is see  only in South - India. While there find more attractive and religious beauty in this small town . It has all kind of natural eco  -  system, beaches, valleys, evergreen forest in deep  area, rubber tree and clove plantation and there also find surrounding landscape, as well as historical and religious sites found around the district.
We saw two rocky islet just of the shore ,southeast of Kumari Aamman temple are made 

 Vivekananda Rock memorial . It was built in 1970 , it is 133ft tall of Tamil - Saint poet. There also we saw  gigantic statue of Thiruvalluvar only in Asia.  Near to that place we also saw a Rock , which called Sri Padhamparai ,because there find sign of foot print of Swami - Vivekanand's who had been mediated on this rock for 3 days. There is also a Dhyana  Mandap, on this rock.

Guide told us there comes 1.9 million tourist every year. 
This place is not a selected place where we finds one types of beauty but this place provide everything , whatever we want to see. There get good food, living places or etc, we have enjoyed
picnic in the calm and clean garden.

Here I would like to mention name of some famous places which I saw in Kanyakumari is

Our Lady Of Ranson church -  This is the place where the  Missonries had preached the paravas 
                                                      and converted them into Christianity. The is present there , which is 153ft tall and it is hundred years old church. The new church was built in Gothic architecture
and it looks fabulous, when we saw it with the sea- shore . We saw the shore from where fishing boat are moored , saw 3 towering spires of this white Gothic structure with a distinct Portuguese feel. Some one told about the 100yrs old church that it is dedicated to Mother - Marry. 
We also found there 153ft high  Central Tower  which crowned with cross of gold is made of pure gold ,it is really a gorgeous  against the molten - blue sky . No pew is find there but the beautiful 
idol of  Mother - Marry's   clad   in south Indian saree we saw there. There we show magical giass 
of light pattern which is thrown by the stained - glass window on bare floor .

We also saw there   Vattakottai Fort ( or Cirular fort)  -   It was made in 18th century. This fort is 
                                                                                                  overlooking the sea , it 6km far from
the Knyakumari . It is enchating view of the sea around the hills .

The next place which we saw is  Suchindram   -   which is  dedicated to the 3 different Dities. It is a
                                                                                   also know as Sthanumalayan temple where we saw repository of art treasure belonging to several kingdoms . Guide told us that it is famous for
its musical colums , and 6mt tall statue monkey which is made with gold.
There we also saw Shivalinga represent Shiva, Visnu and Brahma is the trinity of the Hindu Patheon.

There is a number of places to see , all are very attractive and effectable. After some time we saw 
The Panchhappathi - It is five  primary scared places of Ayyavazil are situated within 15km radius 
                                         from Kanyakumari  , there we saw Swamithaope pathi.

Nagercoil  is a nice place  to see , there we found glimpes of foreinger , because it is the st. Francis
                                                                                                                                     Xavier's church 

at kottar  is  missonary 's work  in this area. There also we saw Nagaraja ' small temple and shrines
which is dedicated to Lord Shiva and Vishnu . The entrance of this temple is the Chines reminisceent architecture of Buddhist Vihar.

A wooden palace we saw first time there, it is an extra- ordinary feature which find only in India.  
The name of that famous palace is   Padmanabhapuram Palace.

                                                                                                    it was made in 17th  century . It is a famous palace of    Travancore  kings made with wood.

Mathur Hanging Trough- which is near to Thiruvattar in the district
                       ,it carries water through a canal b/w the
two hills . This canel itself goes above small river, which built in
high pillar is also one of the adeqeuate both in length and height in
Asia . We also saw there surrounding hills , vegetation and small

Baywatch ( or A water Amusement - park ) - It is a new park in 
                                              Kanyakumari. There
we found Wax museum , which can find only in India . It is located
2km away from Kanyakumari.

Chitharal Jain Monuments - It is very immpresive rock and fine idol.

The place where we took rest and enjoyment is obiously beach, which
like by every one.
Thengapattinam - Beach - which is located near Painkulam village.
                          Where we saw adorned with coconut groves
and we saw small boat , enjoied ridding there . We also met local
fisherman and ask about themselve.

Olakaruvi - It is a waterfalls about 20km far from Nagercoil is on the  middle of the hill
            and it requres an hours trek by foot from the base of 
the hills.

Keeriparai - is famous for the nature lover, for adventure lover and
              beautiful and attractive. It good for picnic , we spent
lot of time there , because it allure us to live there. There 
we realised as haven where we found mountain steam, water- rushing
fern all around . We also enjoyed waterfall seens, where we find
Vattaparaifall . One thing is different from all these is Maramalai
hill is famous for Elephants .

Kodhayar - it also kown as Kodhayar lower camp exiting motorable
            hill roads where we saw some thrilling ' hair - pin' and U- turns
 Kodhayar forest for bisons.

Thitupprapu - Which is near to Thirupparapu, where we saw a beautiful
              ancient temple.

Mutton Coastal village - this place is surrounded by hill in Portugees
                          style There we saw a high church in the 
middle of the village.
Near the sea we saw a 100yrs old Lighthouse and also we saw there
Casurina tree which is famous for sooting. We saw there Tamil film

Sanguthurai beach - where the two beach hitted by Indian ocean.
                     This place is far from town. There we enjoyed fresh air, we also played with sand and took  bath .

Mukkaddal - Reservior -  This place is very scenic place with
                          a small busy island in the middle of the
dam , which is surrounded by hill of western Ghats.

Thuvalluvar Statue - We saw a uniqe statue, which 500m from the shore
                      next to viv. memorial dedi to saints.

Kumari Hall of History - It is a cicular museum , where we saw 
                          photograph of Gandhi's when he was visited

Govt museaum Establish - in 1991 , it close to the beach. There we
                         saw large collection  of sundry objects old coins
,whalebones , tribal objects,brozen statues  sculpures and wood cravings etc. All these things is the recollection of unbeliveible  objects.

Kummari Aamman Temple - This is one of the famous temple of 
                         Kanyakumari. It is different from outside
wall painted with red and white stripes. There we also here a story of Goddess Parvati who
worshiped here as Kanyakumari Devi desire to marry lord Shiva. 

I make sure that Kanyakumari is the only a place in India , where we finds all type of enjoyement and calm places which we imagine . This is the place where we saw people who follow their cuture
and tradition inspite of high education , they are very simple and opstimistic . Moreover , what I
said about food it is very famous not only in south  but all over the country . Their simplicity  and softness inspired me how the people became  rich not only by money but by heart. 
There we finds religious place, uniqe temples of God with myth, place for rest, place for picnic, place for adventure , place for nature love, beaches, different type of stone,  statue b/w the middle of water, we also enjoy waves of sea,  delisious food . 
This is only  the place  where we find glimpes of  old houses, statues and there also we find all 
these thing which we hope to see. This dictum is set for this place is

'' There get all in one place'' .

That is the main reason that every year here visit millions of tourist. There we never felt fatigue
even lot of travelling. This place is unforgatable in my life . Now I find some good changes in me after came  back.

This my personal experence  ,which Ishared with you.  So, I think  one should go there  at least one time , I make sure their dull and anxious mood will be changed into fresh and energetic , new ideas
and thought you realise in yourself.  You also starts to take enjoyment in everything.




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