Thursday, 7 July 2011


Kedarnath is the one of holiest place(Dham) among four. Kedarnath
is dedicated to lord Shiva , Kedar is also the name of shiva(sankar,
Bhola, Mahesa ect) . Shiva is known for his love , purity, kindness
and angry . Kedarnath  finds in India .

Kedarnath is located in Garwal in the state of Uttrakhand. Lord Shiva
big statue is located in Mandakini river in Kedarnath, was wonderful
.Behind this statue flow holy river continiously. This temple is
located where find snow - fall so visitors should be clear weater
condition before arriving there. Because due to extream weather
condition , this temple is closed for some month, it open only 
the last month of April to Karmic Purnima(fullmoon). 

So, we went in the month of satarting May , we were luky to get
Darshan easily.We heard about main statue of Kedarnath temple are
brought from this temple to Ukhinath and worshipped there for 6months.

During the passage of this town we saw large forest and calm
environment there. We realise strange from where we came,it was
so sweet. We found there Dhabas(stall) of hot and teasty food.
We saw there various thing and heared different language ,but there
people can speak Hindi or English language easily so we reached 
  there easily . 

To this  temple is not easy to reach there by road , there
we walked on foot because this temple is located in uphill.
This temple was made by Adi Sankaracharya. In Kedarnath we found

12 JyotirLingas which is known as the holiest shrine of Hindu.
This temple is also the sign of history of Mahabharat.Where Pandav 
and Kaurab fought each other.There is a story behind it . once upon
a time there lived Pandav who saw there Shiva and try to find 
his blessing but lord Shiva hid from them . One day they Pandav went
Swargarohni mountain for appealed to Lord shiva to get swarg .
While the time of appealing Arjuna thumb was fell down there hence
this place is known as Swagarohni .

Shiv-Linga find in tringular form, where statue of shiva finds in
unique way. In Kedarnath there we saw original form of shiva,granting
of wish in the snow clad Himalays this place is called Kedar, because
Mahesa lived there as JyotiLinga now this is known as Kedarnath ,
is the main attraction for the visitors.Where cames number of 
tourist every year.

There is a old belive that who come here and give alms for this temple and find the blessing of
Kedarnath must get relief from his sins and sorrow.

When we  enter through the gate of main temple, there contain
sataues of 5 pandavs , statue of lord shiva and statue of Nandi
vechile of Shiva and we saw there satue of Virabhadra gaurd of Shiva.
Feature of this temple is in tringular shaped which made up with stone.

There spread all around greeness in both side , which remove our
tiredness. Behind this temple we saw a smadhi mandir which made by
Adi - sankara.

This ancient temple remeber us passage of time that in ancient time
God lived on the earth so, this place is holr place, which is located 
in Rudra Himalaya range.There we find different priest than other
side of Indian priest , something extra we saw in them.

Kedarnath is the place where we should go at leat once upon a time.
It remove all the sorrows and give new energy to enjoy life.
There we felt cold and fresh air because there (town)find small

When we came back we passed through the market , which attract us
I brougt many intersting thing from there.

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