Sunday, 7 August 2011


It is the dream of  every Indians to go there and to get darshan  or  blessing of Mata Rani. That 
person is lucky who is invited by MataRani and get blessing  from her. 
It is the great shrine of Hindu ,  they have strong belive upon her .  We are sure that MataRani  must  helps us in any condition , if we call her by pure heart .  It is the experience of all , that no one can  return empty
handed from her darbar.  After hearing  real  story and shakti of  Maa  then I promised to myself to 
go there , whenever I get chance .  

So, at last I got the chance and we went there with my family and my neigbours.  We were 20 in number , obiously we were arrange all arrangements according to our comfort . This place is really 
touch my heart.  There we realised why the J and K  is famous for visit, due to fine climate and calm environment . We are totally involve into this beautiful environment, because we come from Delhi.

During my journey towords VaisnoDevi  was enchanting ,  I never forget this. I want to go there 
again in future because there we not only find blessing of Maa but there also find natural beauty
which tell us story of every circumstances which was happened. There also see original beauty of small cave and water which come through the hill permanently.  One more interesting  thing is that we can see the 
gilimpes of Mandir from the way , which increased my eagerness .  I acctually  forget my fatigue
and felt new energy to go there , due to this exitement we went there on  our  bare foot.  There not 
came only relious person but all means every ages of person  and new married couple , who came
there to got blessing of Maa for their starting of new life. Even foreinger was also come there. 

VaisnoDevi is located in Udhampur in Jammu and Kashmir , it is a hill station . The maintenance of the shrine is conducted by ( SMVDSB) Shri - Mata Vaisno Devi Shrine Board . Near the mandir , hotel is avaible there in reasonable amount. Through the balcony of hotel we can see Mandir . There get
ticket before entering the gate, there live strong security for  checking , police and Army is also available 
there for help . They prevent any problem which may be happened, they are very helpful and polite,
due to them all pligrimage enjoyed journey without any discomfort.  The air which blow there is 
cold and very helpful for our health. Because there no pollution touch to us but good thought come in our mind.

Moreover there easily we get porters, to  carry our luggage and there we
we also used palanquin for grandmother of my neighbour. There also we
saw ride a pony, palki and helicopter ride there. 

When we cross the way, we found there many stalls near to each other
Where we got everything , whatever we want to eat.There  also 
find the beautiful shops of parasad and free prasad,water , fastfood, water -
tea is also available.Moreover there we can find every nessasary 
thing in the passage of MataRani. There people hike on their foot 
in energetic way with sung religious song until the door of MataRani

Hiking starts from the katra, there people may used whatever they
want borow for their comfort , it mean palquin, horse etc.

When we arrived there we saw a holy river Baanganga , which shoted 
by devi with an arrow into earth from where water gushedout. It is the 
real story which happened with MataRani . There also we found foot 
imprints of MataRani , which is known as Charan Paduka. One dictum is also
famous about Baanganga , belivers said by taking bath there one can wash there sins and get
relief from burden .

We saw there several shrines, wayside, stall, for snaks and beverages
and water points dot the routes.We also saw salter in the cave known
as   ' Garbhjoom' near the Adhkawari, there we also saw natural water which came through the small hill  . where she meitated for 9
months  for attand power and wisdom is known as Adhkawari where Maa mediated 9 month for attending wisdom and powers At the midway of mandir we

arrived 'Adhkawari' after hiking 7km . There need to take token for enter this holy cave.
The cave of VaishnoDevi shrines  is narrow and pligrims have to walk through a running stream
of called water and we also so there also we saw three rock - cut idols of Goddesses, Mahakali, Maha 
Laksmi are venerated there . There also present canopies of silver and gold adorn the
idols. Coconuts and red scarves are offered coconuts are to be deposited on the way to 
the sactum and have to be collected latter along with a coin . When we looked below from 
above I became afraid , because it was too deep from above. There we
saw zig - zag roots but it was a fandastic joureny for us.

Vaisnodevi is the 2nd most famous shrine of India after Trimala
Venkateswara Temple.  Across this temple there we saw devoted to saints of sridhi,sadguru
, sai Baba , Mata's charan paduka, Gayatri Gita Mata , Siva - Ganesh and Durgadevi several monkeys also jumping  there . We saw there a big statue of Hanumanji.
It was really good to see monkeys , which jumped around the temple in groups . All these seen rarely I  saw in my life.

When we starts to move forword we passed through the market( kensfood planet, hills food planet etc) then met a old lady, who had been joined our compnany
and told story about Maa ( Vaisnodevi) . She told that MataRani born in south, her name
in childhood was Trikuta. She was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu from her childhood. She want to marry with Rama. 
At last she met her God after long meditation,when God Rama searched his wife , who was
taken by a deamon Rawana. She expressed her disered in  front of Rama that she wanted 
to marry with him but Rama said he already married  with his love Sita and he never thought for 2nd marriage. He told her she was not a simple lady
she is the power of weak persons. Lord Rama gave new name to Trikuta is known as Vaisnodevi, he would manifested with
her in Kalki avtar (disguise). In the meantime shree Rama asked Trikuta to mediate in the cave found in the range of
Manik mountain situated , in Northen India.

When we arrived Vaisno madir , we saw there strange thing , the temple made within hill,
it cut in beautiful shape . Gufa(cave) look very small but we easily passed through it ,
Idon't know how could it possible, but it is really magic of God,from which all type
of person come through it. The interior beauty of this temple is allured me, it was uniqe
decoration . Now there made new way for finding darshan, but we used Gufa. this holy shrine
of MataRani is unique as it contains the holiest of Pindis manifesting Mata in her three 
forms. Which are Maha Laxhmi, Maha Kali and Maha Sarswati. Each of these represented particular
attributes. Kali is the symbol of power who killed bad deamons, Laxshmi is represented 
as prosperity and well - being and Maa Sarswati represents as wishdom and purity. There we
got prasad and blessing from there .

After pleasent Darshan we came back with energy and exitment because there we got whatever we want. Natural beauty of this temple and trust of belivers is the reason behind the huge number of tourist comes every year. such a thing is that life is totally changed into happy after Dharsan. When 
we came back we saw different thing beside this, as sweet smell of different flowers and cleaness of all around is so good . We came back fast than before. During the month of April to Oct is good to 
visit there , without facing any problem.

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