Monday, 8 August 2011


On sanday august 06 august 2011,me and some of my friend made a program to visit gurudwara in delhi so,I left home around at 11:00 am and start moving towards delhi.That was my first time to visit any gurudwara.when i reached there nither i know how to worship in sikh religion nor the pledge they do,so I followed the same as my friends and other were doing then we took prashad and enter in gurugrant sahib's hall. All the things was coated by gold out there.There was great felling out there although some people were used to sing out there yet a calm and peace was there.we sat there for some time then we came outfrom there.A big water tank or pool in which many kind of fishes were swiming was there.We washed our hand in that tank and move forward  to enjoy it more closely and feel its magic.As we keep moving forward we were feeling ourselves in an ultimate heaven as eerybody was busy in worship.People were every friendly they were ready to help any time and and how do i forget the prashad and the meals really it was awesome so all in all it was an great day i felt the beauty of gurudwara and power of gurunanakji it gave immense inner satisfation to my soul and i want to visit this destination again in future.


  1. Thanks for sharing your experience. This former bungalow of Raja Jai Singh was renovated into a gurudwara, famously known as Gurudwara Bangla Sahib. A popular religious destination of Delhi, this gurudwara can be seen even before you actually reach it, from the golden dome that shines through the heart of the city. Check out all best places to visit in Delhi also.

  2. Bangla Sahib Gurudwara Delhi is popular pilgrimage place in New Delhi which to come to visit temple and its pond.
